This obituary-related forum serves as the blog for The Society of Professional Obituary Writers. Please join in the discussion with and ask questions of folks who write about the dead for a living, and others, who study, enjoy, read and/or write obituaries.
Monday, March 29, 2010
People's Picks Poll and SPOW Awards
The work of the top five finalists from each juried category has been posted for the "People's Picks" poll at The public is invited to read the unidentified finalists' work and vote for their favorites.
However, the online poll will have no effect on the selection of official SPOW Award winners. The People's Picks poll is just for fun.
Official SPOW Awards will be presented and the results of the online poll will be announced during an awards luncheon on Friday, April 23, 2010, at the Philadelphia Inquirer during the SPOW Convention.
For convention registration, go to
Early Bird Registration for SPOW Convention
The discount on the already inexpensive registration fees may end then, but registration will continue after that. Same-day registration will also be available.
To register and/or to pay SPOW membership dues, go to
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tom Hobbs made The Guardian of London
Here's the link:
Monday, March 22, 2010
Obit Writers Convention mentioned by E&P
Here's the E&P link:
And here's the link for convention registration:
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Franchise fiasco
Correction: March 12, 2010
An obituary on Wednesday about Willie Davis, who succeeded Duke Snider as the Los Angeles Dodgers’ center fielder, erroneously credited Davis with franchise records in several categories. His career totals in those categories were records for the Los Angeles Dodgers only, not for the Dodger franchise, which was originally located in Brooklyn. Zack Wheat, not Davis, holds the franchise records for hits, at-bats, triples and total bases; Pee Wee Reese holds the record for runs; Duke Snider holds the record for extra-base hits. The obituary also incorrectly described one of Davis’s World Series accomplishments. He stole three bases in one game in the 1965 Series, not three bases in one inning.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Thomas C. Hobbs: 1949-2010

As a reference librarian at the University of South Carolina Aiken, he made outstanding contributions to his academic and civic communities, all detailed in his curriculum vitae:
“The man was smart, accurate and terrifically helpful, a librarian to the core,” said Marilyn Johnson, author of “This Book Is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All” and “The Dead Beat: Lost Souls, Lucky Stiffs, and the Perverse Pleasures of Obituaries.” “When I told him I was writing about obituaries, he made sure that I knew about The Gentleman's Magazine and offered to help any way he could.”

“I do have some notably warm feelings about Tommy – especially as he went to the Aiken bus stop at 12:30 a.m. to meet me off the Greyhound in 2002,” Starck said. (See more from Starck in the comments that follow this obituary.)
Thomas Cooper Hobbs, 61, died in his sleep of a heart attack at 11 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010, according to the Aiken County (S.C.) coroner. His body was discovered the next day by concerned friends from the university, who went to his home in North Augusta, S.C., to check on him after he hadn’t shown up for work.
Tom’s funeral will be held Saturday, March 6, 2010, beginning with visitation at 11 a.m. and followed by services at noon, at the Lane Funeral Home (Coulter Chapel), 601 Ashland Terrace, Chattanooga, Tenn.

Burial will take place at noon Monday, March 9, 2010, when Tom’s body will be laid to rest next to his father, Noble Hobbs, at the Davidson Memorial Gardens, U.S. 23, Ivel, Ky.
Tom, the only child of Noble and Kathryn Hobbs, was born Jan. 6, 1949, in Chattanooga. Kathryn had worked at the American Lava plant in Chattanooga. Noble, who represented coal mining firms, worked in Kentucky.

“Because of her age, she wanted a doctor and a hospital she knew,” said Tom’s cousin Mary Anne McGrew. So Kathryn left Kentucky and returned to her hometown of Chattanooga for Tom’s birth. “She felt more comfortable here.”
Baby Tom and his mother soon joined his father in Pikeville, Ky.
Tom graduated from Pikeville High School in 1967. His father died the following year at age 65.
Tom’s mother, age 100, now lives at a Chattanooga retirement community. Tom, who never married, also is survived by five cousins.

His career began at Louisiana State University at Eunice. Tom worked at Prestonburg (Ky.) Community College and Cleveland (Tenn.) State Community College before joining the staff at USCA in 1986.
USCA officials will likely make and announce a decision on how to recognize Tom’s life and contributions to the university after Spring Break.

He endeared himself to obituary writers, educators, researchers and aficionados who attended the first SPOW Convention in 2009 and nine Great Obituary Writers Conferences before that. The latter confabs were hosted by Carolyn Gilbert, founder of what became known as the International Association of Obituarists (IAO).
“I think Tom created that word ‘obituarists’ or came across it in his research,” said award-winning obituary writer Kay Powell, who met Tom at an obits conference.
“I was in line for supper,” Powell recalled. “A man behind me started talking to me about the obit for a bowlegged ballet teacher that I had written for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“Nearly 15 years ago, Tom gave me a sobriquet which people quote to this day. When ATLANTA magazine profiled me and the new feature style obits of the AJC, the writer interviewed Tom, who dubbed me ‘doyenne of the death beat.’”
The quiet librarian made his humorous remarks without flourish, as if he were talking about the weather. His matter-of-fact delivery made his comments all the more hilarious.
Larken Bradley, who writes obituaries for the West Marin Citizen in Point Reyes Station, Calif., reports, “My favorite Tom moment was in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel (in Las Vegas, N.M.) when I sat down on the couch next to the big stuffed gorilla. Tom sat in a chair across from me, and I gestured to the gorilla and said, ‘Have you met my sister Bernice?’
“After a beat Tom said, ‘If she's single, maybe I'll ask her out.’”
Carolyn Gilbert, IAO conference host, said, “The last time I saw Tommy was at the 10th Great Obituary Writers' Conference. As always, he was so pleased to see old friends and to make the acquaintance of new obituarists who attended.

His many fans -- among obit writers and people who just love to read and collect obits -- were drawn to him not only for his scholarly research but for his kind and thoughtful nature. In an effort not to offend anyone, Tom, who was a Quaker, seemed to carefully consider his words when controversial topics entered the conversation.
He once said, “I get lots of practice in giving the appearance of impartiality as part of my work in the library. It’s my job to guide people to the information they seek, regardless of my opinion of the purpose they have in mind for it. The students and faculty would not trust me, if I were known as an opinionated crank. I don’t even do bumper stickers and lapel buttons during election season for that reason.”

“He wanted to know everything about historical and cutting-edge obits,” said Alana Baranick, SPOW director. “In the last couple of years, he dug into the development of obits in newspapers that serve the African-American community.”
While Tom could cite examples from literature about innovative ways to use obituaries in a teaching environment, he also became a student of online multimedia presentations of obits.

The result: He co-founded the Obituaries in Education Interest Group.”
At IAO conferences, Tom presented his research on “Obituaries as a Mirror on Society: What the Research Shows” and on “Sylvanus Urban, Obituarist Extraordinaire: The Gentleman’s Magazine and the Life and Times of John Nichols.”
“I was stunned to hear that he had come near death the last time people gathered in Las Vegas, N.M., (for the last IAO conference in 2008) that a group had gone with him in the ambulance and kept watch over him through the night,” Johnson said.
Tom had been planning to attend the SPOW Convention in Philadelphia at the end of April 2010.
His cousin added, “He loved his part in that and loved to get with you all.”
This obituary was prepared by Tom Hobbs’ friends with help from his family. Please click “Comments” below, if you have Tom Hobbs stories or comments to share.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Tom Hobbs, USC at Aiken librarian and founder of Obituaries in Education Group, gone at age 61

We are terribly sorry to report that Tom Hobbs, reference librarian and assistant professor at the University of South Carolina at Aiken and founder of Obituaries in Education Group on Facebook, died Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010, at his home in North Augusta, S.C.
Above is the photo Tom chose for his Facebook profile. We suggest that his FB friends post condolences on his FB wall, which will likely remain online for long time.
Below, Tom is pictured with Cailin Brown, SPOW contest coordinator, during a Great Obituary Conference in Alfred, N.Y., in 2007.
Tom endeared himself to obituary writers, educators, researchers and aficionados who attended the Society of Professional Obituary Writers (SPOW) Convention in 2009 and many Great Obituary Writers Conferences before that.
Tom had been planning to attend the SPOW Convention in Philadelphia at the end of April 2010. We will miss seeing him again, listening to his views on obits and enjoying the pleasure of his company.
Funeral arrangements are being handled by Lane Funeral Home of Chattanooga, Tenn., and should be posted on Lane's website at
An obituary will be posted on Obituary Forum in the next few days. We welcome comments and anecdotes.